M3GAN took the world by storm with her iconic and viral dance moves, but Our Home Entertainment team was challenged even more than usual to come up with something that could stand up to the organic marketing machine that the Universal Theatrical team had so carefully curated and unleashed on the world.
The one place they hadn’t gone yet was imagining what M3GAN would look like as a real toy product marketed to consumers. I instructed the Paradise team to come up with a concept to make a spoof toy commercial as a fun way to announce this insane movie to the active fanbase.
We brought in the talented folks at Ghostrwriter Music Group to write the catchy jingle and Paradise created some graphics inspired by props from the film with a voice over talent to drive home the over-the-top vibes. All together, this piece works because of the paradox of a positive ad implying a young audience, while marketing the release of a horror hit!
We also created a more traditional announce piece called “Found You” for paid ad placements, which Paradise also produced!
Meet M3GAN
“Besties” M3GAN Theme Song