Total Solar Eclipse
Winter Nevada Sky
Published On: February 16th, 2018Categories: PhotographyTags: , , , , , Views: 243


I absolutely love being in desert environments. The beauty of the landscape is sometimes overlooked, and I think my appreciation for it has expanded over time. Every time I visit the deserts of California or the South West United States, I marvel at how indigenous people were able to survive there for centuries. The presence of ghost towns remind one of how difficult the conditions are, but also how determined human beings can be if they find value in natural resources that may (or may not) be available. 

Death Valley is a particularly incredible desert landscape with so many beautiful places to visit all within a few hundred miles of each other. 

A happy side benefit of visiting deserts is the nighttime sky… usually far away from light pollution, they are excellent locations for stargazing. Here are some photos I took at night, to complement this Death Valley visit. 

The desert wears… a veil of mystery. Motionless and silent it evokes in us an elusive hint of something unknown, unknowable, about to be revealed. Since the desert does not act it seems to be waiting — but waiting for what?

Edward Abbey

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Total Solar Eclipse
Winter Nevada Sky